7/8 Band

Do you find that as your kids get older it seems to be harder and harder to get information out of them? As parents we are lucky to get one word answers from a middle school student on how their day was. How often do you hear the words "fine" "I don't know" and "nothing"? We want our families to be able to get a glimpse into all of the amazing things that are happening at Fremont Christian Middle School. Traditionally we have an open house where you are all invited to come in and see some of what's going on. This year is a little different, so we've had to think outside the box. Our MS staff did a wonderful job at putting together a virtual open house. So please follow the link below to our website and enjoy diving into how our students are being Transformed this year! Parents of Middle School students, feel free to have your child be your tour guide! Families of younger students, you are also invited to check it out and see what is in store for your kids in the years to come! 